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SundaySky Unveils End-to-End SmartVideo Lifecycle Marketing Platform

Empowers marketers with faster time to market, holistic view of SmartVideo value


SundaySky, SmartVideo的创造者, unveiled today its SmartVideo lifecycle marketing platform at the second annual SmartVideo Summit. The platform empowers marketers to tell engaging and effective stories with personalized video at any touch point in a brand’s acquisition of and engagement with consumers. 这些故事可以配置和管理, 结果可以进行分析和优化, 通过自助SmartVideo控制台. With increased demand for the use of personalized video throughout the customer lifecycle, the second-generation platform 支持s the need for greater flexibility in the creation and refresh of video creative, 高效率地管理SmartVideo节目的各个方面, 以及对SmartVideo价值的整体看法.

“Putting the power of personalized video creation and management in our hands, 作为营销人员, accelerates our time to market and our ability to affect our customers.”

“SundaySky has made it easy for Cable ONE to be even more creative and incorporate scalable, 客户生命周期中的多点触控互动视频,大卫·博金斯基说, 有线电视一号的数字媒体总监. “Putting the power of personalized video creation and management in our hands, 作为营销人员, accelerates our time to market and our ability to affect our customers.”

The addressability of the consumer has changed because consumers are always connected in more places, 在更多的设备上,花更多的时间. 像这样, the chief marketing officer (CMO) suite is not only challenged with off-the-charts complexity, but also to differentiate its brand through channel-agnostic experiences that are memorable and favorable at every touch point. The SmartVideo lifecycle marketing platform helps brands rise above the noise by enabling the delivery of differentiated experiences to consumers through the most engaging online medium — video. Because SmartVideo stories are personalized for each individual viewer, 体验更吸引人, and with stories and value tied together and measured across the consumer journey, 它们也更有效.

在今天的SmartVideo峰会产品主题演讲中, 凯利福特, 周日天空的营销副总裁, said, "Today’s complex marketing environment requires holistic ownership over the consumer experience throughout the lifecycle, 是什么为品牌带来了可衡量的价值. It’s about continually delivering experiences that matter to the consumer, while continually measuring and optimizing for what matters to the business."

Key features and capabilities of the SmartVideo lifecycle marketing platform include:

  • 端到端管理控制台: 基于云的, self-service management console for direct control over video content, 实时数据馈送, 渠道经验, 分析和优化.
  • 场景库和故事管理: 可从SmartVideo控制台访问, the scene library is a central modular repository for all scenes 支持ing SmartVideo stories, allowing marketers to easily manage existing stories and reuse scenes to create new stories, which enables greater efficiency in deploying and scaling SmartVideo as a strategic, 多点触控参与方式.
  • 交付渠道最佳实践: SmartVideo交付体验模板, 比如电子邮件, 短信和登陆页面, are available from the console and embedded with best practices to maximize the SmartVideo views and value.
  • 高级价值测量: The new analytics dashboard gives marketers the ability to monitor and report on SmartVideo program performance. An advanced measurement methodology ensures SmartVideo value can be measured not only at a single point in time for a single touch point, but also over time and across touch points based on collective key performance indicators and associated values.
  • 智能创意优化: Building on the power of SmartVideo to generate millions of video variations on the fly in real time to deliver the right story at the right time to the right viewer, this platform enhances optimization capabilities to automatically adapt creative based on performance. 变化是为视频的每一个创意方面创建的, 包括故事, 结构, 消息, 外观和感觉, 叙事风格和声音, 行动呼吁, 节奏和更多. 然后,该平台为每个观众选择最好的变化, 基于观众反应的自动机器学习, by modeling which viewer characteristics indicate preference for certain variations, 以及检测个人偏好.

The SmartVideo lifecycle marketing platform will be officially released in May for SundaySky customers in the 电信 and 保险 industries, 其他行业也将在今年晚些时候推出. 营销人员和设计师可以接受用户级别的培训.



SundaySky, SmartVideo的创造者, 帮助以客户为中心的品牌以个性化的方式讲述故事, real-time video experiences at every stage of the customer lifecycle. The SmartVideo lifecycle marketing platform generates hundreds of thousands of SmartVideos daily, 推动客户获取, 支持, 电子商务领导者的成长和忠诚度计划, 电信, 保险, 银行和旅游. AT&T, 办公用品, Allstate and other SundaySky customers have proven that SmartVideo viewers are more engaged, 盈利和忠诚, as program performance is measurable and optimized for incremental impact on key business metrics. SundaySky is headquartered in New York City with offices in Tel Aviv and London. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sundaysky.com.