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Unique SteelSwitch video appliance powers digital video management beyond conventional limits

ALPHARETTA, Ga.(21 Jul 2011)


Steelbox officially introduced its expanded video management solution optimized for tackling today’s critical security and IT challenge: managing the bandwidth for and access to growing amounts of digital video data across Internet Protocol-based networks.

“The performance security professionals expect from their digital surveillance networks is limited by conventional video management technology. 随着网络摄像机使用的增加,这个问题只会变得更糟,Nik Moissiadis说, Adtech公司Steelbox部门的总裁. “The Steelbox solution gets beyond those limits and opens up previously unavailable options for designing, 实施并最终受益于数字视频网络.”

Steelbox解决方案包括SteelVision, a flexible and user-friendly video management system; SteelSwitch, an appliance built specifically for aggregating and distributing digital video among potentially thousands of endpoints; SteelVault, an intelligent video storage system; and the SteelEdge codec series.

该解决方案既精简又强大, giving security and IT professionals alike the tools they require for managing bandwidth for and providing access to digital video on IP networks more effectively.

“We can operate our surveillance network treating the IP cameras like the intelligent computers they essentially are,” said Slade Besson大学计算机服务部副主任 尼科尔斯州立大学 在路易斯安那州的Thibodeaux.该公司使用Steelbox解决方案管理着大约300台摄像机.

“We can do that with one appliance instead of putting multiple video servers all over the network,” Besson said.


Optimizing bandwidth management and access to video on IP surveillance networks is critical to users who want to take full advantage of the capabilities of IP, 百万像素和高清(HD)摄像头.  Bandwidth and video access issues only get more challenging as IP camera adoption spreads. When these are implemented the way they were designed to operate—and more importantly, 买家想要的操作方式,这些相机, 尤其是高清和百万像素的机型, 会消耗大量的网络带宽吗.

That bandwidth consumption strains conventional video management technology, 如nvr (Network Video recorder)、视频管理服务器等, 谁会继续关注端口和摄像头数量而不是带宽.

“当你开始在NVR上混合标准IP摄像机与高清和MP时, you can max out its performance capability long before you fill all its ports,” said Max-Henri Louis-Jacques纽约公共交通公司.

In turn, 这些性能问题可能导致视频不可用, 尤其是在事故发生时, 当视频需求很高的时候.

Further, NVRs and even many video management systems can’t bridge among network segments with different technology and bandwidth requirements, said Bill LeBlanc他是Steelbox的首席技术官.

潜在观众和观看设备的名单, 每个都有独特的需求, 持续增长, and getting IP video to them is a difficult challenge in today’s network infrastructures,” he said.

The Steelbox solution solves these digital video and network performance problems. The unique SteelSwitch network media appliance was built specifically to manage bandwidth-chewing digital video while also addressing video access issues. 设备的容量高达1.5 Gb/s of incoming data and another 3 Gb/s of outgoing data—necessary to collect and distribute the growing numbers and variety of IP, megapixel and HD video streams that are increasingly common on digital surveillance networks of all sizes.

The Steelbox solution also solves a variety of network design challenges because of its ability to translate among network transport protocols and video formats. It effectively ensures that security professionals can make IP video available to responders and applications whenever, 无论何时何地,他们都需要它. SteelSwitch可以将一个视频流分发到数百个视频流, to one end-point or however many are needed—without expensive multicast network routers and switches required to transport them from their primary sources.

(For additional details about the unique Steelbox approach to digital video management, 请看我们的技术背景: http://www.steelbox.com/techbackgrounder.htm.)

“The Steelbox solution is what our customers are looking for: digital video technology that helps them solve complex network challenges and get the performance they expect from today’s IP, 他们的网络上有百万像素和高清摄像头,” said Howie Chong集成网络公司总裁 & Systems, Inc.


The solution’s core technology was originally brought to market by Steelbox Networks Inc.该公司于2008年进入破产保护程序. 它的资产被 Alpharetta, Ga.2009年初,总部位于美国的Adtech Global Solutions (Adtech).

“The original company was ahead of its time because the analog-to-IP transition was barely under way,莫西亚迪斯说. “这项技术是独特而可靠的, and anticipated the management challenges of digital video traffic on IP networks. That challenge is here today and the Steelbox solution equips security and network professionals to meet it.”

The Steelbox solution is available immediately for new or existing video networks of many different sizes that need to go beyond the limits of conventional video technology to get optimal performance. 提供多种解决方案配置,价格低至100美元 $199 每个节点(建议零售价,不包括存储). 销售和集成商查询应直接到 videobeyondlimits@steelbox.com or 866.823.9076.

About Adtech: Steelbox has expanded business and customer service capabilities through its parent, Adtech. The Alpharetta, Ga.-based company offers a range of technology solutions through its three divisions: Adtech Services, 哪个提供定制的应用程序硬件, engineering services and global installation and support; Adtech Solutions, which creates and enables channel focused solutions in key vertical markets; and Steelbox, developing products and solutions that take digital video beyond the limits of conventional technology.