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2023年上半年,流媒体服务的每用户每日参与度激增, 扭转了自2021年开始的下降趋势,当时服务之间的竞争开始对消费者在每次STR上花费的时间造成影响

Barcelona, Spain(10 Aug 2023)

2023年上半年,流媒体服务的每用户每日参与度激增, 扭转了自2021年开始的下降趋势,当时服务之间的竞争开始对消费者在每个流媒体平台上花费的时间造成影响. That is the main conclusion of NPAW’s H1 2023 Video Streaming Industry Report, 这也凸显了今年第一季度主要体育赛事的流媒体采用率是如何逐年大幅增长的.

The uptick in user engagement per service, measured in daily playtime per user and service, might signal some degree of market consolidation, with consumers focusing on a select few online video platforms. 另一种解释可能只是流媒体消费的整体增长.

与此同时,大型体育赛事的流媒体数据继续走强. The year-over-year increases in total plays, playtime, 温布尔登网球公开赛或NBA总决赛等赛事的独特用户凸显了体育赛事直播的强大吸引力. 这也证实了体育迷从传统的广播和卫星频道转向在线视频平台的趋势.

In the first half of 2023:

  1. For the first time since 2021, the number of VoD minutes that consumers watch per day, per streaming service increased globally (+4%). 这表明,消费者要么专注于少数精选服务,要么整体消费正在上升
  2. 全球每个用户的线性电视播放时间和流媒体服务也增长了3%, reversing the downward trend that began in 2021 and confirming a potential industry-wide shift
  3. 视频点播用户对插播内容表现出压倒性的偏好, 电视剧占全球总娱乐时间的60%,而电影只占25%
  4. 尽管比特率稳定,但全球视频点播的体验质量有所提高 As提供商实现了缓冲时间的显著减少
  5. Global linear content quality improved in all key metrics, 区域层面的情况喜忧参半,表明某些领域存在潜在挑战
  6. Big screens, particularly smart TVs, continued to expand their dominance in VoD and, more notably, in linear content. On the other hand, small-screen devices lost share, particularly smartphones, consolidating their position as secondary streaming devices
  7. Sports streaming continued to grow 与去年相比,今年上半年的主要体育赛事在流媒体的采用和参与度方面都有了大幅增长

“2023年上半年标志着全球视频流媒体行业的一个潜在转折点,每个流媒体服务的每日用户参与度自2021年以来首次开始增加,” said Ferran G. Vilaró, CEO and Co-Founder of NPAW. “Access to deep, 可操作的数据洞察对于驾驭这些变化和确定用户粘性是否会继续增加至关重要.”

For a deeper look into these and other trends download the full report here.

About the Video Streaming Industry Report

NPAW的《百家乐软件》分析了全球和地区视频流媒体行业的现状, comparing H1 2023 data with numbers from H1 2022 and H2 2022. 本分析中使用的2023年上半年的见解是从2023年1月至6月的NPAW套件中提取的. 它们代表了来自全球190多个NPAW客户的实时数据, including leading OTT providers, broadcasters, and telecom operators. As our data library and client base evolve, 这里提供的2022年数据可能与以前的报告略有不同. 调查结果按地理范围、内容类型和设备划分. Additionally, 该报告深入探讨了体育流媒体的兴起, 分析今年上半年主要体育赛事的流媒体采用情况的同比变化.

About the Video Streaming Industry Report  

NPAW 是跟踪和分析视频消费的技术创新的全球领导者吗, user behavior, quality of experience, and quality of service, helping online streaming services grow. NPAW有超过十年的开发突破性的经验, 可扩展的分析解决方案,以优化性能和用户参与, 帮助客户建立媒体体验,实现收益最大化. 它的分析应用套件提供了对平台性能的高级可见性和可操作的见解, audience behavior, advertising and content efficiency, 以及实时应用导航,以支持数据驱动的决策. NPAW在全球范围内提供190多个视频服务,每年处理超过1000亿次播放. 由视频流媒体服务Wuaki TV的联合创始人于2008年创建, which was later sold to Rakuten, NPAW在巴塞罗那和纽约设有办事处,团队遍布世界各地.