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马凯特大学 Law School Educates Voters by 在线直播 Political Conversations via Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite

School conducts voter surveys 和 leads discussions with policy makers to inform voters, raise awareness during election season


From voter polls to live political debates to conversations with faculty 和 policy makers, 马凯特大学 Law School webcasts important political conversations live to the public via Mediasite by Sonic Foundry, 公司. (NASDAQ: SOFO), the trusted market leader for video 管理 和 academic, enterprise 和 event 网路广播.

马凯特大学 Law School’s “关于问题” conversation series with Mike Gousha, distinguished fellow in Law 和 Public Policy 和 the host of the statewide public affairs television show UpFront with Mike Gousha, educates the public on important election issues. 新闻makers 和 policy shapers visit the university to interact with the public, 学生, faculty 和 staff about the hottest topics in the Milwaukee region 和 beyond. Gousha acts as the interviewer, moderator 和 facilitator to address these important topics before an in-person audience, 和 the events are also webcast live 和 archived for on-dem和 viewing.

Since the series began in 2007, nearly 100 Mediasite presentations have been recorded 和 archived. One of the most recent webcasts took place October 17 和 discussed the Marquette Law School’s latest poll of voter attitudes in the tightening presidential race in Wisconsin. Earlier this year, Gousha was joined by guests such as U.S. Senate c和idates Tommy Thompson 和 Tammy Baldwin, 和 Wisconsin Congressman Ron Kind.

For the complete upcoming schedule, visit

“It is rewarding to see Mediasite being used to facilitate discussions about important issues, especially in this election year. 通过网络直播活动, the conversations extend to anywhere internet is available,加里·韦斯说, chief executive officer of Sonic Foundry. “Sonic Foundry is excited to support 马凯特大学 Law School as it encourages communication between policy makers 和 the public.”

1 .信任,100 colleges 和 universities, the patented Mediasite 网路广播 和 video content 管理 system quickly 和 cost-effectively automates the capture, 管理, delivery 和 search of live 和 on-dem和 streaming videos 和 rich media presentations that combine video with slides.

马凯特大学 is a Catholic, Jesuit university in Milwaukee, Wis., with about 8,400 undergraduate 和 3,600 graduate 和 professional 学生.

关于Sonic Foundry, 公司.
Sonic Foundry (NASDAQ: SOFO) is the trusted market leader for enterprise 网路广播 solutions,提供 video content 管理 和 distribution for education, business 和 government. 由专利提供动力 Mediasite 网路广播 platformwebcast services of Mediasite Events, the company empowers people to advance how they share knowledge online, using video webcasts to bridge time 和 distance, enhance learning outcomes 和 improve performance.