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Envivio Enhances Multi-screen 内容保护 with Microsoft and Civolution Technologies

Envivio缪斯 transcoders and Envivio晕 network media processor offer unique functionalities for advanced any-screen applications


Envivio (纳斯达克:环境), a leading provider of software-based video processing and delivery solutions, today announced integration of advanced features to the Envivio晕 网络媒体处理器和 Envivio缪斯 代码转换器,包括 微软PlayReady高级版内容保护及 Civolution 取证水印功能.

Envivio and Microsoft are longstanding industry partners and have now teamed up to integrate Microsoft PlayReady server technology and first party ports for Android and iOS with Envivio晕 network media processors. Advanced content protection scenarios requiring key rotation are now possible across a variety of adaptive bitrate (ABR) formats, 尤其是MPEG-DASH.

“We are thrilled to continue to innovate in the delivery of premium video for service providers, using Microsoft PlayReady DRM technology to extend reach and enable compelling business models,海耶特·加洛特说, 高级主管, 微软公司的PlayReady业务. “Envivio晕 offers a broad and advanced feature set, and the integration with PlayReady facilitates deployment of advanced services for customers seeking to monetize multi-screen and deliver the best user experience possible.”

Content protection is critical to avoid illegal redistribution of video assets and maintain revenue streams for operators. Civolution’s NexGuard forensic watermarking solution, combined with the Envivio缪斯 transcoder and Halo Experience Server, enables watermarking for live Internet or over-the-top (OTT) services. It allows service providers to easily identify streaming sessions without impacting the viewer’s experience. Each user receives video with a unique and personalized watermark, which can be detected during illegal redistribution of the stream leading to the identification of the source of content theft.

“The NexGuard forensic watermarking solution helps protect content streamed across a wide range of devices, by ensuring that potential leaks are attributed to an individual,让-米歇尔·马松说, 水印解决方案高级副总裁, Civolution. “The combination of our watermark pre-processing and Envivio’s scalable, versatile end-to-end video processing solution is especially valuable to help service providers protect high value, premium services such as live sports events and exclusive programming.”

“Our focus on enhancement of our Muse and Halo product lines adds value for our customers and takes their any-screen services to the next level with more advanced functionality that enables service monetization,鲍里斯·费尔茨说, Envivio产品副总裁. “Civolution和微软是重要的行业合作伙伴, and the capabilities now possible with the integration of these watermarking and DRM technologies improve our operator customers’ abilities to monitor and protect their premium services.”

Envivio’s full range of any-screen solutions will be featured at Envivio’s booth #1.D73在 IBC 2013,于9月13日至17日在阿姆斯特丹举行.

更多的 than 300 content and service providers around the globe have selected Envivio to power their multi-screen and pay TV services. 访问 www.envivio.com 去了解更多关于无边界电视的知识.

Envivio (纳斯达克:环境) is a leader in solutions for multi-screen video processing and delivery. Envivio solutions remove the boundaries of traditional television and make the world’s video content universally enjoyable by all viewers, 在任何设备上, 跨越任何网络, 在任何时候. Now in its second decade of developing market-leading video convergence solutions, Envivio powers services for more than 300 content and service provider customers around the world, 包括前十大移动运营商中的八家, nine of the top 10 broadband providers and three of the top four US cable operators.  Envivio总部位于旧金山南部, California and has offices worldwide including France, 英格兰, 中国, 新加坡和日本. 访问 www.envivio.com 了解更多信息.