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Markham, Ontario(17 Aug 2010)

Digital Rapids announced today that The HEAT Group, 迈阿密热火队的老板和迈阿密美国航空球馆的运营者, are using Digital Rapids' StreamZ 编码系统,以加快生产高质量的直播和点播视频内容 website and internal production workflows. Most recently, 在高调的自由球员德维恩·韦德签约之前和之后,StreamZ被用于直播事件, LeBron James and Chris Bosh.

The HEAT集团的广播服务部门为组织内的所有部门制作现场活动报道和预包装内容, including advertising, marketing, internal training, the website, and shows airing on NBA TV and regional television. 该集团还制作中场休息等内容,用于太阳体育(SunSports)的比赛直播.

Online video is a key focus for the production group, as the team leverages it to support the HEAT brand, engage existing fans and grow the team's fan base globally. Content from the team's in-arena HEATV broadcast, 特殊功能和更多内容通过StreamZ编码成按需网络观看所需的格式. StreamZ也用于特殊事件和公告的实时网络流媒体. StreamZ系统还用于自动化工作流程,将NBA娱乐公司提供的库镜头转码为HEAT集团首选的编辑格式,以满足后续制作需求.

Finding their existing encoding solution slow and inefficient, The HEAT Group chose StreamZ for its exceptional performance, 高质量和多功能性,以满足他们广泛和不断增长的数字媒体需求. StreamZ was supplied to The HEAT Group by reseller CIS Group.

"By enabling us to efficiently create high-quality material for with very fast turnaround, Digital Rapids StreamZ系统帮助我们吸引和发展我们的粉丝群, and that has a direct impact on our revenues," said Ed Filomia, Senior Director of Broadcast Services for The HEAT Group. “我们能够比以往更快地将赛场和赛事的视频内容放到网站上, 该系统的多功能性通过在一个平台上支持现场和按需生产需求,降低了我们的设备和运营成本."

流媒体视频作为球队营销策略不可或缺的一部分的重要性在NBA 2010年自由市场期开始时得到了强调. 作为鼓励热火球星韦德与球队续约活动的一部分, 热火队的吉祥物伯尼(Burnie)在球馆的外壁架上住了一个星期. To fuel publicity and fan interest in the campaign, StreamZ被用来通过HEAT每天24小时提供伯尼的实时攻击流.com website. StreamZ系统还用于直播韦德和他的新超级巨星队友詹姆斯和波什签约的欢迎派对和新闻发布会.

“全球对在线体育内容的需求持续呈指数级增长, 粉丝们在网络上寻找的不仅仅是游戏本身的深度. 在线视频已经成为大联盟和个人球队在全球范围内扩大粉丝基础的不可或缺的工具," said Chris Krasinkiewicz, Vice President of Sales at Digital Rapids Corporation. “大量及时的内容选择和高质量的内容是保持粉丝参与并定期访问球队或联盟网站的关键因素. StreamZ使快速周转和卓越的视觉质量,需要始终如一地实现这些目标. 我们很高兴HEAT集团选择了StreamZ来满足他们的多样化编码需求,不仅仅是他们的网站, but also their file-based production workflows."

StreamZ是业界最通用的多格式编码解决方案, delivering superior-quality video capture, encoding, 在强大的配置中转换编码和直播流,可以轻松集成到任何媒体环境中. 将基于硬件的处理的质量和性能优势与软件编解码器的格式灵活性和功能丰富的软件应用相结合, StreamZHD无缝支持实时和按需多平台分发机会和多格式工作流程,实时编码到多种输出格式.

Digital Rapids的全套解决方案将在7号展位展出.G41 at the IBC 2010 exhibition, September 10-14 in Amsterdam. For more information about Digital Rapids, please visit

About Digital Rapids Corporation
Digital Rapids为转换和交付媒体提供领先的硬件和软件解决方案, 支持改变观众观看内容方式的多平台体验. Scaling from standalone appliances to global workflows, Digital Rapids解决方案使媒体专业人员能够最大限度地提高他们的生产力, quality, and the value of their content. 获得了令人垂涎的IBC创新奖和四项著名的弗罗斯特奖 & Sullivan honors for encoding and transcoding leadership, Digital Rapids将创新技术与成熟的专业知识相结合,帮助我们的客户扩大受众, increase their media revenues and reduce their costs. Digital Rapids Corporation ( is headquartered in Ontario, Canada with offices in the United States, the UK, Australia, Argentina and Hong Kong.