
Can AI and Blockchain Help Fight Streaming Piracy?

Learn more about streaming piracy and content protection at 流媒体's next event.

Watch the complete presentation at 流媒体东部, B204. 做好准备:流盗版和如何保护你的内容,在… 流媒体 Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

克里斯托弗·萨斯: You gotta be careful with AI, 正确的? 因为这是个流行词. It's like saying "Cloud," 正确的? 所以我今天看到了更多的机器学习,更多的是人类参与指导它,以及很多学习和事情, 如你所说, 行为改变, 正确的? 如果你了解海盗的生态系统,你可以做一些非常有趣的事情, 如果你看一下盒子的温度以及它们在某个时间的位置和记录, you can figure out a whole lot of stuff, but you really need to interpret and make 那。 valuable. So I see a lot of investment there. I do see things coming with the streaming and flow analysis, a lot of 那。 kind of technology's really emerging. That's pretty exciting stuff. And there's a few startups out there doing things with blockchain. You talked about "what if you could just buy a piece of content, and you only wanted the piece of content?“嗯,如果我有一个公开的、不可变的内容监管链,我就能做到. 我现在可以把我的内容,让你买这个或买那个, 把它放在区块链中, and I know exactly where it went. 那真的很早. 我认为, 如果你说2是多少, 三个, 五年之后, 那。, we're kind of in the infancy, there's a few companies out there, I don't know if we're quite ready for primetime with it. 我知道即使是R&D people look at those kind of things, but we're probably not productizing 那。 stuff 正确的 now, it's more just 那。's kind of interesting, 它有一些腿, let's figure out where it goes.

马特·托雷: 你们知道, 我们一直在研究的一件事是如何应用机器学习和监督机器学习,因为在网络空间有很多技术用来识别恶意软件, 所以如果我们, 我们只是说“好吧, just change the word malware to video piracy and start, 你能找到吗??“嗯, it turns out you can. 因此,我们正在与一些公司合作,看看我们能否将这种方法产品化,使人们能够在飞行中立即嗅出气味.

杰森·Thibeault: 是的,我认为数据分析仍然需要很多人为干预. 我的意思是, when I talk to one of our member companies-- big, big, 大型内容所有者——你知道,他告诉我他们真的会查看日志, and they have thresholds for logins, 例如, 他们看到有人在很多不同的地方登录了很多次, 嗯, 也许一些, somebody needs to reach out to 那。 user. 你知道, maybe we'll just cut their account off and let them contact us, 所以如果他们是海盗, they're not gonna contact 'em 正确的? 他们只会说“啊,我被抓了,我要去别的地方。." But if they're a legitimate user, whose credentials might've been compromised or stolen, the user will reach back out and go "Hey, why'd you cut off my account?“嗯, we noticed this and we'll light you up again, 更改密码, and then if it happens again, well they probably know 那。 was a bad actor who was just being, 你知道——

Christoper Sass: And 那。's the big data angle, 正确的? 我的意思是 那。's like with credential sharing we do 那。. That's why say you get scores, and one of the sore things is like you come in and say "Hey, we just locked your account, we want you to call us to turn it back on.“或者现在你必须使用双因素身份验证——是的,这对普通用户来说很不方便. 但如果你是一个坏演员,你在做违法的事情,那又怎样? 操作员不应该在意, but we wanna have a high degree of confidence, and I think the key there is, 大数据, it doesn't solve all problems. You need a really specific problem set, and you need to be able to take the noise out of the data, and 那。's where the human comes in, 'cause there's just too much data. You really need to figure out what's valuable data, and 那。's where we're kind of in the early stages. 因为我不知道有多少公司在做这个应用.

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